Gastric balloon operations

Gastric balloon operations

Gastric balloon operations in Turkey

One of the most important operations that our center performs is the gastric balloon operation in Turkey. Therefore, in the next paragraphs, we will detail the procedures for this operation in full.

Gastric balloon, which is the most preferred method among non-surgical gastric reduction methods, is requested by people who are very afraid of stomach reduction operations.


What is a stomach balloon?

The gastric balloon is a soft silicone ball that is placed endoscopically in the stomach, partially filling it and creating a feeling of fullness and satiety facilitating compliance with the applicable diet.

The biggest advantage of using a gastric balloon is that it limits the amount of food we eat and prevents overeating.

This in turn helps you stick to your diet. Over time, eating behavior changes, and proper eating habits are formed; It allows to maintain the result obtained after losing weight and removing the gastric balloon.

This technique has been used successfully for a long time, and the great experience and stability of results make this practice safe, effective and popular.

Successful elimination of the problem of obesity depends on the correct treatment. Often, appropriate nutritional measures must be taken, supplemented with organized physical activity.

In cases where these measures are not sufficient, there are complementary therapeutic alternatives that can help in the treatment, one of these alternatives may be intragastric balloon endoscopy.

This is called the Heliosphere BAG (named after the area that swells in space), the gastric balloon.

How to place a stomach balloon?
From the gastric tube, two flexible tubes are sent into the stomach to reach and view the stomach.
Sterile saline liquid (serum) is injected into the deflated balloon and up to the stomach to grow and occupy space.
After the balloon has gained size, it is separated from the tube it was sent into and the two tubes removed from the stomach tube.
Suitable for gastric balloon application

The non-surgical gastric balloon application can be performed for people with a BMI of 30 and above and who suffer from diseases such as weight-related blood pressure and diabetes.

It is suitable for the operation for those who undergo bariatric surgery, at the same time, emergency patients who need to lose weight quickly, who are obese and who need bariatric treatment temporarily, have suitable conditions for the operation.

Some cases where people are not suitable for gastric balloon application:
Body mass index less than 30.
Those who want to lose weight for aesthetic purposes.
And those who suffer from gastritis problems.
And those who suffer from problems in the esophagus.
Those who suffer from stomach upset.
and those who have had gastric bypass surgery.
Those who suffer from psychological problems.
Those with severe stomach hernias.
Pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.
The gastric balloon cannot be applied in patients with blood clotting problems.
How much space does a balloon take in the stomach?

As it is known, the purpose of the gastric balloon application is to reduce the internal volume of the stomach and reduce the amount of food eaten, which leads to weight loss.

Gastric balloon operations in Turkey

The average human stomach has a volume of 1-1.5 liters. They are filled with liquid/air up to 700-900 mg, and therefore it may not be correct to give a fixed rate, however, if we take into account the average number, it corresponds to a third or half of the volume of the stomach.

Are gastric balloon systems approved by medical authorities?

Some gastric balloon equipment in use today has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and CE (European Committee).

It may be helpful to ask your doctor about the type and brand of gastric balloon without the need for a gastric balloon.

Do I feel any pain/discomfort during or after the operation?

During the operation, anesthesia is applied so that the patient does not feel pain or discomfort, and it can be said that the anesthesia process makes the patient sleep for a short period, and the anesthesia process is not general anesthesia.

In general anesthesia, the person’s breathing is supplied with external devices – the person is asleep and does not need external support.

How long does the process take?

The endoscopy procedure (including inserting, adjusting or removing the balloon) is expected to take approximately 25 to 35 minutes, and sometimes up to 45 minutes.

How long does the balloon stay in the stomach?

The stomach balloon can be preferred according to the amount of weight to be given, and it can remain between 6 and 12 months depending on the type of balloon. Balloons that are 6 to 12 months old are different from each other.

While the balloons can be inflated for 12 months for 3 months to prevent the stomach from adapting to the balloon, it is not suitable to inflate the balloon for 6 months.

After inflating during the first procedure, the 6-month-old balloon will not be inflated.

How is the gastric balloon removed?

Removal is carried out according to the type of balloon that is placed endoscopically. As a general principle, the balloon is inflated and emptied with appropriate removal kits.

After deflation, the balloon is grasped and removed from the esophagus toward the mouth. The process takes an average of 15 minutes

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