slimming operations

slimming operations

The best slimming procedures to lose weight and get rid of wrinkles for the year 2022

Slimming operations have become multiple, and each one has its own conditions, and the demand for it has increased in the recent period, due to the fact that obesity is one of the most common diseases now prevalent in the world, and many people suffer from it, especially in the Arab world.

Obesity is not a single disease, but rather it is accompanied by a group of chronic diseases that exhaust the owner, and make him constantly on tablets, and among these diseases are pressure, diabetes, arthritis, kidney disease, and many other diseases.

Therefore, it was necessary to have an ideal solution to eliminate this disease without complications or health problems, and it was the bariatric surgeries that helped all obese patients to get rid of them and all the associated diseases.

Weight loss operations

The history of slimming operations begins in 1966, when the first slimming operation was performed, which is the open gastric bypass operation. With the progress of medicine and scientific research, the gastric band operation was tried in 1978, and research developments continued in the field of bariatric surgery, where the ethnic switch operation was discovered, followed by many bariatric surgeries. Advanced from gastric bypass and laparoscopic route diversion until 2015 by reaching the latest technology for weight loss, which is the gastric balloon, which was developed in the year 2020 to become the programmed smart capsule.

Types of slimming operations

Weight loss operations vary between surgical and non-surgical, and we will discuss them in detail below:


rerouting process

The first operation in the treatment of diabetes and obesity together, and the mini-transformation process is suitable for many obese patients who are going to sweets and easy-to-digest foods with high calories.

Gastric bypass surgery is suitable for all obese patients, whether it is excessive, moderate or simple obesity, and this process depends on reducing the amount of food intake, absorbing only 30% of the food intake while activating the pancreas and working 10 times more efficiently than before the operation.

What are the terms of the rerouting process?

The mini gastric bypass surgery has some conditions that must be met in order to help the patient get rid of sugar and obesity, and these conditions are:

Obese patient, whether simple, excessive or moderate.
The patient has not had diabetes for more than 20 years.
Choosing the right patient for the operation.
The possibility of conducting it for patients with GERD.
The age of the patient should be between 18 to 65 years
What are the disadvantages of the rerouting process?

The mini gastric bypass surgery has some drawbacks, but these defects appear due to the inexperience of the doctor, including:

Possibility of infection if unsterilized instruments are used.
Gastric leakage.
Persistent vomiting if a large part of the stomach is isolated.
The possibility of some health problems.
Commit to taking the vitamin for 6 months.
What are the advantages of the process?

Gastric bypass surgery is characterized by many things that made it one of the first operations in obesity surgeries, and among these advantages are

It eliminates type 2 diabetes completely.
It eliminates 70% of the excess weight in the first year of the operation.
It is performed laparoscopically, and does not leave a surgical trace at all.
Eliminate diseases associated with obesity.
You do not need a long recovery period, but you can practice life a week after the operation.
It takes no more than 60 minutes in the operating room.
Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy is one of the most important and best slimming operations that helps to get rid of excess weight and eliminate flatulence, and is performed laparoscopically, and often has no damage.

About gastric sleeve

The gastric sleeve operation is done by cutting a part of the stomach equivalent to 4 fifths of the size of the stomach, and staying on the last fifth, while isolating a group of hormones that affect general health and help to gain weight, which leads to improved health and the loss of excess weight in a natural way.

Terms of gastric sleeve surgery

There are some conditions that must be met by the patient so that he can perform the gastric sleeve operation, and these conditions are:

The patient must be obese.
Not going to eat sweets, soft drinks, and calorie foods.
That the patient has no gastroesophageal reflux disease.
What are the advantages of gastric sleeve surgery?

Acupuncture is characterized by many things, the most important of which are

Eliminate excess weight within 18 months of the procedure.
Helps improve blood sugar.
Helps to get rid of diseases associated with obesity.
You only need a week to recover.
Do not leave a surgical trace to be performed laparoscopically.
He does not need to take vitamins after the operation.
What are the disadvantages of the sleeve gastrectomy?

There are some defects that can occur after the gastric sleeve operation, and these defects are:

The possibility of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
persistent vomiting
Possibility of gastric leakage.
The organs adjacent to the stomach are affected.

All of these disadvantages can be avoided if you choose an experienced doctor.

How long does the sleeve gastrectomy process take in the operating room, and when can the patient lead a normal life?

The gastric sleeve operation does not take more than an hour in the operating room, and the patient can leave the hospital several hours after the operation, and he can lead his life in a normal way after 7 days of performing it.

Mini gastric bypass surgery

It is the first sugar process, which can eliminate both obesity and sugar, and is characterized by its speed in eliminating excess weight, and is done by isolating part of the stomach and connecting the stomach to the intestine at a certain distance.

This process contributes to the absorption of only 30% of the food intake. It is also performed laparoscopically and does not leave a significant surgical impact.

Modified gastric sleeve

The owners of the sleeve gastrectomy may be exposed to the expansion of the stomach after a period of time, that is why doctors invented the advanced sleeve gastrectomy process, where after the sleeve is performed, a ring is placed around the stomach to limit its expansion after a period of the operation.

staple the


It is one of the bariatric surgeries in which part of the stomach is stapled, which does not allow the patient to take a large amount of food, but it must be performed by a distinguished doctor so that good medical tools are used that do not cause health problems.

gastric balloon operation

The gastric balloon operation is one of the latest slimming procedures that was invented in 2015 and is performed by an endoscopy of the digestive system, and the process does not take more than 30 minutes inside the operating room.

The stomach balloon is removed upon reaching the ideal weight that the patient wants, and then the balloon is removed in the case of using a Russian or American balloon, but in the case of using a stomach capsule, this capsule dissolves after 4 months, and is removed from the body through the natural outlet.

Gastric balloon types

The gastric balloon has many types, which are:

The American balloon that lasts in the stomach for 9 months.
The Russian balloon that lasts in the stomach for only 6 months.
The programmed smart capsule, which is the latest in gastric balloon operations, is placed inside the stomach through the mouth, where this capsule is the size of a normal capsule, so the patient swallows it and takes a glass of water afterwards. Filling the balloon inside the stomach, then withdrawing this channel in an easy, simple and painless way.
What are the terms of the gastric balloon?

The gastric balloon operation has some conditions that must be met in each case, and these conditions are:

The patient must be obese or have a body mass index greater than 30.
The patient should not eat sweets and soft drinks.
The patient has the will and determination that makes him maintain the results of the balloon.
Gastric balloon defects

The gastric balloon operation may have some defects, and these defects are usually due to the lack of experience of the doctor, such as

Balloon leak.
Constant vomiting and stomach pain when not choosing the right size and location for the balloon.
Possibility of infection if improper equipment is used.
The patient did not adhere to the diet after removing the stomach balloon.
What are the advantages of the gastric balloon?

The gastric balloon procedure has many advantages, including:

It is done without surgery.
It takes no more than 30 minutes in the operating room.
The patient can lead his life in a normal way.
You can eliminate 25 kilos of accumulated fat in the body.
Completely safe when choosing the right doctor.

There are some people who suffer from localized obesity and accumulated in some parts of the body, so they are always looking for an ideal solution to eliminate this accumulated fat without surgery or complications. The solution was through liposuction, which is

Laser liposuction

Laser technology is one of the best techniques used now in many medical fields, and perhaps the most famous of them is laser liposuction, where the doctor breaks up fat through laser beams and converts this fat from a solid state to a liquid state, then pulls this fat out of the body.

Vaser liposuction

Vaser liposuction is performed through ultrasound emitted from the vaser, where a small incision is made in the place where the fat has accumulated, and a vaser needle is inserted, which works to break up fat and transform it from a solid state to a liquid state, then suction this fat through small tubes outside the body.

Advantages of liposuction with vaser and laser

There are many advantages that made liposuction one of the best procedures that enable everyone to get rid of the accumulated fat, and these advantages are

Eliminates the accumulated fat in one session.
Leave no surgical trace.
You do not need a general anesthetic unless the patient desires it.
The fat that was suctioned can be reused.
The session takes no more than an hour for each position.
You do not need a recovery period.
Fat does not return again to break down fat cells.
Skin tightening, where the vaser device works on liposuction and skin tightening together
Disadvantages of liposuction with vaser and laser

All experiments confirmed that there are no confirmed defects for both laser and vaser liposuction, except in the case of using the laser device by an incompetent doctor, where if the doctor is not experienced, the case may get burned because the laser beams are not directed and determined to the correct position.

There may be some symptoms that appear on the patient after the session, and these symptoms disappear after several days of the session, and these symptoms are:

Some swelling in the position where the device is used.
The appearance of some redness or inflammation.

You may not notice some results because of these symptoms, but after a short period of time, you will get a 100% result without any symptoms.

As for the laser and vaser sessions, the patient only needs one session for each location in order to get a slim body without any health problems.

4D body sculpting process

The process of four-dimensional body sculpting or the process of dynamic sculpting, as some mention it, is a process that depends on getting rid of localized fat while tightening the skin, and thus we get a slim and harmonious body without any lumps or sagging in the skin, and in this process only two devices are used:


It is, as we mentioned, the first device that works to break up and eliminate fat cells, which prevents the formation of fat again, and this device gives the patient distinguished results from one session, and does not require a recovery period, and the vaser helps to tighten the skin, but there are some cases in which She has severe sagging skin, and vaser cannot completely solve this problem, so the solution was with

LG plasma device

G-plasma is a breakthrough in the field of obesity surgery, as this device works to tighten the skin and stimulate it to produce collagen, and eliminate cellulite, as it is one of the most important devices used in skin tightening, and it has become the ideal solution away from surgery and its problems.

The session is performed through a thin needle that runs directly under the skin and does not interfere with the

To the depth of the cells, the device begins to emit some waves that make the skin join together and overlap inside each other, making the patient feel the difference in the shape of the skin during the session.

Features of the 4D body sculpting process

The dynamic sculpting process is characterized by many things, the most important of which are

An ideal alternative to surgery and its complications.
Amazing results from one session.
It is completely safe and has no side effects.
You do not need to use a general anesthetic.
Both Vaser and G-plasma can be used in one session.
Its results are permanent and permanent.
The session takes no more than an hour for each position.
Can be used on all parts of the body.
Gives you a slim and proportional body without any deficiencies.

To learn more about the work of G-plasma, you can watch the following video

Disadvantages of slimming operations

There are many symptoms that affect the owners of slimming operations after performing them, and the most important of these damages are:

Blood clot: This symptom is one of the symptoms that can occur after the operation, so the medications prescribed by the doctor must be adhered to in order to avoid exposure to blood clots.

Stomach or intestinal leak

In some cases, stomach or intestinal leakage may occur, so when you feel tired, you should talk to your doctor, or go to him immediately.

Wound infection

The patient may be exposed to infection, through the use of improper sterilization, such as infection of the wound or swelling and redness.

The possibility of a gastric ligament slippage

In the case of the endoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, the patient can cause a slippage of the gastric band, or a problem may occur with the staples with which the stomach is stapled during the stapling process.

What is the best weight loss process?

Determining the best operation depends on the patient’s health condition, body weight and mass rate, as well as the medical history he has gone through, so the appropriate operation is determined by the doctor according to the existing condition, for example…

The gastric sleeve operation is performed for patients who do not like sugar and soft drinks, and whose body mass exceeds 30, and it is preferable that they do not have diabetes. In the case of diabetes, a mini gastric bypass is performed.

Who is the best doctor for weight loss?

Now, after learning about the various types of obesity surgeries, all obesity patients are wondering about the best doctor to perform these surgeries… Who is he, and how is he chosen?

The bariatric surgeon must meet some conditions in order to be qualified to perform the operation, and so that he can take an appropriate decision in the event of any problem in the operating room, and for this he must meet these conditions

The doctor should have experience in all obesity surgeries.
He has many successful cases.
He has many researches in the field of obesity and diabetes surgeries.
All his patients bear witness to his good treatment.
He has an outstanding medical team.
Continuous follow-up after the operation.
It has specialized anaesthesiologists.
It uses the latest modern technologies in conducting operations.
Always aware of everything that is modern in the world of obesity and plastic surgery.

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